In respect to the general policy concerning proper use of our copyrighted or other materials found here on WilliamFothergillCooke.com in the “public access” areas that are embodied within this Internet website - respective of providing proper credit as is stated in our legal section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com entitled “Notices of Licenses and Restrictions,” and as well cited in the “WilliamFothergillCooke.com Site Use” section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com, it is our obligation to respond accordingly to notices of alleged infringement that comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (found at the U.S. Copyright Office) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Please note, that the primary visual content found on this Internet website, along with current text shown and text to be provided in the future is protected under United States Copyright Registration in progress effective as of the year 2017.
Notwithstanding, the policy position as WilliamFothergillCooke.com is to remove material from public view that we believe in good faith constitutes copyrighted material that has been copied illegally and distributed or reproduced by any of our members or users not in following to the the representations provided in the legal section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com entitled “Notices of Licenses and Restrictions,” and / or cited in the “WilliamFothergillCooke.com Site Use” section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com. Any members or users of WilliamFothergillCooke.com who violates the condition herein provided in the legal section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com entitled “Notices of Licenses and Restrictions,” and as well cited in the “WilliamFothergillCooke.com” section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com, it is our staunch policy to terminate the “subscriber access” accounts of repeat offenders if such becomes known to WilliamFothergillCooke.com or we shall seek to have copyrighted content found at WilliamFothergillCooke.com that is reproduced elsewhere without proper use license as provided in the legal section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com entitled “Notices of Licenses and Restrictions,” and also cited in the “WilliamFothergillCooke.com Site Use” section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com.
If we remove or disable access to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the owner, author, or administrator of each affected site so that they may make a counter notification pursuant to sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of that Act, or if we find our graphic materials, videos and / text used without our consent or as provided under the provisions to the legal section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com entitled “Notices of Licenses and Restrictions,” and also cited in the “WilliamFothergillCooke.com Site Use” section of WilliamFothergillCooke.com, we will seek to have the material removed from the server account hosting the illegal use of the material, including such postings on Pinterest and PhotoBucket, and other general image or video Internet web hosting sites.
If you believe that content residing on or accessible through our website infringes a copyright under your ownership or are a designated agent, please send a notice of such infringement by contacting WilliamFothergillCooke.com at WilliamFothergillCooke@echoback.com with detailed information addressing the specifics shown below. Please use the following format in an effort to expedite our ability to process your copyright infringement request.
1.) Title of the specific thread or article that contains the copyrighted work.
2.) HTML of the specific post that contains the copyrighted work. This will act as a link to the material you believe contains the copyrighted material.
3.) Cite nature of the copyright infringement believed is occurring, details of your claim to the material and/ or the specific relationship you have to copyright holder of the material that is believed to be infringed.
4.) Cite your full name, address, and telephone number in the event we need d to clarify your claim.
5.) Kindly include a working email address contact with you can be made to confirm your claim.
6.) Please be sure to include in your correspondence the following statements:
6A.) ”I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted materials described above on the allegedly infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law." Further provide the following statement:
6B.) ”I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided to WilliamFothergillCooke.com and its rights holder(s) that this notification is accurate and that I am the legitemate copyright owner or am acting as authorized on behalf of the copyright owner to make this complaint to.”